G.V. Loewen is the author of fifty-seven books – forty-seven of which will have appeared in print by the Spring of 2023 – and numerous other publications. A source by source compendium may be found elsewhere on this site.
After three years of catalogue and archival research, Loewen’s former editor assembled a list of over one thousand important Western scholarly authors from 1765-present. The top end of this list is reproduced here. The claim that Loewen is the most prolific of such authors in his generation is suggested by the fact that there are no others of Gen-X present on this part of the list. There are likely errors of count in certain cases and subjective judgement on what constitutes work in which genre, based on available data and changing definitions of scholarship. For instance, it is difficult to believe that Kant only wrote 25 books; this must be akin to a number of collected works volumes in translation. It would be of interest if others noted possible missing authors who may be more obscure than those listed.
Lifetime and posthumous scholarly and scholarly non-fiction books published[i], Western authors, c.1765-2015.
Rank Author # of books age if active
1 Chomsky 82… 94
2 Bolzano 79
3 Heidegger 78
4 Maritain 77
5 Joad, C.E.M. 75
T6 Giroux 73… 79
T6 Serres 73
8 Baumann 69
9 Buber 59.5
10 Nancy 59
11 Wells 53.5
12 Zizek 51.83… 73
13 Ellul 50
T14 Bancroft 49
T14 Marias-Aguilera, J. 49
T14 Hobson 49
T14 Eagleton 49… 79
18 Mommsen 48
T19 De Bono 47
T19 Russell 47
T19 Toynbee 47
22 Fuller, J.F. 46
23 Von Wright, G.H. 45
24 Galbraith 44
25 Gilson 43
T26 Sorokin 41
T26 Wundt 41
T28 Eco 40
T28 Fichte, J.G. 40
T28 Betti 40
T28 Ellis 40
T28 Woodcock 40
33 Adler, M. 39.67
T34 Badiou 39… 85
T34 Watts, A.W. 39
T34 Aron 39
37 Bobbio 38
T38 Piaget 37.5
T38 Jung 37.5
T40 Barzun 37
T40 Frazer, J.G. 37
42 Beard, C.A. 36
43 Giddens 35.33… 84
44 Andrews, C.M. 35
T45 Grousset 34.5
T45 Lewis, C.S. 34.5
47 Kermode 34.33
T48 Voegelin 34
T48 Derrida 34
T50 Habermas 33.5… 93
T50 Baudrillard 33.5
52 Frye 33.33
T53 Agamben 33… 80
T53 Ganshoff 33
T53 Bataille 33
55 Lefebvre 32.33
T57 Loewen, G.V. 32… 57
T57 Thielicke 32
T57 Droysen 32
T57 Pierce 32
61 Levinas 31.67
T62 Davies, P. 31… 76
T62 Gardner, H. 31… 79
T62 Fischer, E.K.B. 31
T62 Fromm 31
T62 Santayana 31
T62 Hobsbawm 31
T68 Jameson, F. 30… 88
T68 Dubois 30
T68 Inge, W.I. 30
T68 Barthes 30
T68 Von Hartmann 30
T68 Beneke 30
T68 Kant 30
T68 Ruskin 30
76 Asimov 29.5
T77 Schmitt 29
T77 Von Hildebrand 29
T77 Mandel 29
T77 Zinovyev 29
T77 Carr 29
T77 Bentham 29
T77 Haeckel 29
T77 Schuon 29
T77 Foucault 29
T86 Ricoeur 28.5
T86 Pareto 28.5
T88 hooks 28
T88 Fechner 28
T88 Ortega Y Gasset 28
T88 Von Humboldt, A. 28
T88 Leonhard, W. 28
T88 Garrigou-Lagrange 28
T88 Bain 28
T86 Harvey, D. 28… 87
T95 Taylor, C. 27… 91
T96 Fichte, I.H. 27
T96 Deleuze 27
T96 De Sanctis, F. 27
T99 Bunge 27
T99 Gay 27
102 Solomon, R.C. 26.5
T103 Lotze 26
T103 Gould 26
T103 Ellwood, C. 26
T103 Goodman, P. 26
107 Bourdieu 25.5
108 Tilly 25.34
T109 Azais 25
T109 Morris, D. 25
T109 Lonergan 25
T109 Barth, K. 25
T109 Wilson, E. 25
T109 Fiske 25
T109 Sumner 25
T109 Von Mises 25
T109 Burrows, M. 25
T109 Lyotard 25
T109 Wahl 25
T109 Bochenski 25
T109 Koestler 25
T109 Plekhanov 25
T109 Newman, J.H. 25
T109 Ambrose 25
T109 Sartre 25
[i] includes scholarly books, essay collections, lectures, case studies, reports, intellectual or historical biography, abridgements or collections with majority new material, collected articles, abridgements with altered or rewritten texts if known, synthetic introductions and general scholarly non-fiction and co-authors of same; must be at least 120 pages in length to account for either front or back matter pagination or both given extended single essays. Does not include memoirs, travel books, diaries, fiction or literature, basic science textbooks (e.g. Asimov), children’s books, poetry, solely aphorisms and epigrams, non-analytical self-help books, edited volumes, autobiographies, extended single essays, illustrated reports, dictionaries or encyclopedias (e.g. Gomme), lexicons, manuals or teaching aids (e.g. de Bono, Ruskin) grammars and rhetorics (e.g. Bain) handbooks, letters, revisionist histories or polemics (e.g. H.E. Barnes, Bruno Bauer, Gentile, Gobineau, Joad), political commentaries on current events (e.g. Joad), translations, unaltered reprints if known, or theistically inspired tracts and devotional literature (e.g. Priestley, Kierkegaard) or hermetics (Evola, Crowley, some of Watts).